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Chapter 1: Why is Graphic Design Important?

You've probably seen examples of unsuccessful graphic design. Maybe someone chose the wrong colors for a sign, and you had a hard time reading it. Or maybe you noticed an ad but couldn't understand what it was advertising. When communication fails, the consequences can cause inconvenience, irritation, perhaps even danger.

Today, the number of visual messages you receive every day is probably in the thousands. How many of those messages are clear and effective? How many baffle or annoy you? You may just skip over the ones that you don't understand, but what might you be missing because of an inferior design? If you consider that, you will begin to understand why graphic design is important. Like the design of buildings, products and landscapes, graphic design has a daily impact on the substance and quality of our lives.


Take a walk through a supermarket or convenience store. Notice the different sections and the products on the shelves. What products catch your attention first? Which ones do you recognize from a television ad, website pop-up, or magazine? Make a note of the colors you see. Which ones are used most often? Which ones are rarely used? Why do you think designers make the choices they do? Write down some reasons you can think of as you answer the above questions. (Yes it is for credit.)

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