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Chapter 1: Review

Write out the word in RED and answer the questions/do the activities and turn in for credit.

Recall - What is the purpose of graphic design?

Understand - What makes an effective graphic design?

Apply - Look at the cover of a textbook. Describe how the book cover uses text and images to explain the book's content.

Analyze - Look at the newest version of the NBC logo. What makes it appealing and eye-catching? How does this logo help sell NBC to viewers?

Synthesize - Look at the Campbell's soup cans. How would you redesign them to make them look more up-to-date?

Evaluate - Choose a product pictured in this chapter or one that you often use or purchase. Explain how your choice is influences by the package's design.

Paragraph - Write a paragraph to present your own opinions about what graphic design is and why it is important. Consider the purposes of graphic design. What role does each purpose play in your life? Would your life be the same without graphic design? Why or why not?


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