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Quarter 02

Week 10          Week 11         Week 12          Week 13          Week 14            Week 15        Week 16            Week 17

Week 18 - Dec. 17-21 (NO VOCAB WEEK 18) 

Week 10

Week 10

ad campaign - coordinated series of advertisements built around a particular concept and design solution

advertise - to make something publicly known or to describe something in order to sell it

advertising agency - a company devoted to creating advertising for others

advertising jingle - a short, memorable song about a product

billboard - outdoor advertising structure usually placed along roads or highways, built to convey messages to passing pedestrians or motorists

classified ads - small ads offering or seeking things such as jobs, cars, or furniture

digital billboard - electronic public display that changes every few seconds; shared by multiple advertisers

dimensional mailer - direct mail advertising materials that are not simply flat

direct mail - also called junk mail or ad mail; advertising sent via the postal service directly to individuals

envelope mailer - promotional material enclosed in an envelope; an example of direct mail

newsletter - a publication that contains information about a certain area or topic of interest to a specific community or group of people

periodical - publication that appears on a regular basis throughout the year, such as newspapers and magazines

self mailer - a single sheet folded, sealed and mailed without an enveloupe; an example of direct mail

space ads - also called print ads; advertising pages or portions of pages in periodicals

Week 11

Week 11

abstraction - an aesthetic concept describing something that is drawn from the real, but has been "distilled" to it most bare minimum form, color, tone and often removed from its original context

brainstorming - a visual aid to thinking laterally and exploring a problem, usually by stating the problem in the center of the page and radiating outward spokes for components of the problem

contextulization - the process of placing something within the interrelated systems of meaning that make up the world

documentation - the recording of written, visual, or aural (audio) form of what is of interest

metaphor - word or image that sets up an association; ex: "A piece of cake" meaning something is very easy

primary research - gathering material that does not preexist, such as photographing, drawing, making prototypes, conducting interviews

secondary research - gathering material that already exists, such as design work, color samples, written texts, newspaper / magazine articles, archival images

representation- something that looks like, resembles or stands for something else

rhetoric- a style of arguing or persuading; a way of engaging a targeted audience

symbolism - a way of representing an object or word through an image, sound, or another word; ex: a crossed knife and fork on a road sign means a cafe is ahead


Week 12

Week 12

concertina fold - folds in alternate directions

consumer profiling - the process of creating parameters or a set of information that defines the desires, trends, or interests of a demographic so that designs can be pitch or marketed to them

french folds - sheets of paper are folded in half so they are double thickness. the two folds are at right angles to each other and bound on the edge

gatefold - outer quarters of the page are folded to meet in the center resulting in a fold that opens like a set of symmetrical doors

market research- the process of collecting and collating data from questionnaires, interviews and comments from the public regarding concern, a problem or a possible solution

paper grain - the direction of wood fibers that make up a piece of paper

perfect binding - method similar to paperback binding where loose sheets are encased in a heavier paper cover, then glued to the book spine (edges are trimmed to be flush with one another)

rollover folds - a way of folding a page so that successive folds turn in on themselves and the page is folded into a roll

saddle stitching - binding method where sheets of paper are folded in the center, stitched together along the fold then glued into the cover spine

storyboard - a document comprised of a sequence of thumbnails that tells a narrative; ex: comic strip, movie

Week 13

Week 13

dot gain - a printed dot that becomes larger than intended due to spreading, causing a darkening of screened images, mid-tones and textures; is dependent on paper stock


FPO - "for position only"; text or photo to indicate where actual items will go when obtained; allows designer and client to see the layout before its completion


genre - an artistic type or style; an area of expertise


gang-run printing (ganging) - printing several different jobs that will all get the same finishing, together on a gigantic sheet of paper


hyphenation - the point at which a word is broken at the end of a line of continuous text and a hyphen is inserted


juxtaposition - the process of  putting two or more unrelated or opposite elements or objects together to create different effects


linguistic - of, or relating to, language


registration marks - hairline marks at the corners of a printed page to help ensure color plates are aligned properly and to designate what will be cropped off in finishing


semantics - the study of meaning in language and elsewhere


syntax - the study of the rules of formation of grammatically correct sentences



Week 14

Week 14

art direction - management of the creative and production process for a given project, including instructing a photographer or illustrator on the content and composition of an image


assets - 'catch all' term referring to all materials needed to successfully complete a design project


brand identity - the visual image the public has of a product


branding - the application of a distinct logotype and.or symbol to make a company or organization recognizable along with the marketing that imbues the company with a personality


brand value - the impression that the public has of a product


corporate identity - the visible style of a company (including the logo and/or symbol) together with its organization and behavioral culture


image optimization - the preparation of an image for use on the web; typically involving compression


imbue - inspire or permeate with a feeling or quality


masthead - a list of a periodical's owners and employees, including job title and contact information


mnemonic - assisting or intending to assist memory


target market - the audience to whom a design is intended to appeal


Week 15

Week 15

annual report - a financial report to shareholders of a public corporation


brochure - a small book or magazine containing pictures and information about a product or service


design diary - a small book used to collect design ideas


display font - larger, typically more bold typeface used for a book's title, chapter titles and other important text


dummy text - text that mimics actual words and is used for placement only; lorem ipsum


exhibit design - describes a range of designs from signage to booth design for exhibitions and conventions as well environmental design (billboards) with the purpose of creating awareness for the advertiser


flyer - a small handbill advertising an event or product


handbill - a small printed advertisement or other notice distributed by hand


legible - readable, particularly in regard to typography


style guide - a set of rules created by designers to help preserve consistent and organized layouts



Week 16

Week 16

browser - software that allows you to see pages on the world wide web


cloud - Cloud computing is a method for delivering information technology services in which resources are retrieved from the internet through web-based tools and applications, as opposed to a direct connection to a server


eavesdropping - the unauthorized real-time interception of a private communication, such as a phone call, instant message, videoconference or fax transmission.
The term eavesdrop derives from the practice of actually standing under the eaves of a house, listening to conversations inside.


encryption - the mathematical scrambling of data so that it is hidden from would-be eavesdroppers


firewall - a generic term to describe a barrier against destruction, consisting of software or hardware that protects your computer from hackers and viruses


HTML - Hypertext Markup Language; the predominant markup language used for web pages


HTTP - Hypertext Transfer Protocol; the data communication standard of web pages


HTTPS - Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure; indicates that the webpage has a special layer of encryption added to hide your personal information and passwords from others


internet - a galaxy of networks connecting millions of computers


IP address - Internet Protocol Address; a unique set of numbers in a particular sequence that serves as a tracking device for every electronic device on the internet, including your cell phone


ISP - Internet Service Provider; the company that gets paid to provide access to the internet


malware - the broad term to describe any malicious software designed by hackers


MMORGP - Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game; digital games designed to be played by thousands of participants all around the world via the internet (i.e. World of Warcraft, Second Life)


phishing - the use of convincing-looking emails and web pages to lure you into typing your account numbers and passwords/PINs


router - a physical device that provides a defense against hackers and directs content to the specific computer, device, streaming device or printer that should receive it


RPG - Role Playing Games; common name for MORGP


trojan - a special kind of hacker program that relies on the user to welcome it and activate it (named after the famous Trojan Horse story)


URL - Uniform Resource Locator; in short, a web address


WAN - Wide Area Network; a communications network that spans a large geographic area such as across cities, states, or countries


www - World Wide Web; a service that allows you to access and share information using the internet's connectivity

Week 17

Week 17

REVIEW - We are going to have a week long review of ALL of the vocabulary words we have studied. Be prepared to have a quiz then a 2-part exam in Week 18.

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